Thursday, January 24, 2008

super villainous urination

Today at the daycare, which my mother owns and where I occasionally work, a four year old boy, who we'll call Jake, approached me and announced that another child had wet the pants that he was wearing. Though the story did seem quite unlikely, the urine had collected at the bottom of the boy's pants instead of the usual crotch region. Oddly, it did seem a little odd that he didn't know who had showered him in gold. I am pretty sure that if someone peed on me, I would be able to pick them out of a line up. That's one of those things that you just don't forget.

I questioned the other children about the state of Jake's pants and immediately a slightly old boy started crying. Assuming that they were not tears of sympathy for poor little Jake's violation, I began to question the crier, who we'll call Joey. Joey told me that he was, in fact the pisser, but that Jake was not intended to a victim. He was just an innocent bystander. Joey had simply decided that he missed his mother too much to travel the ten feet to the bathroom. Oh, of course. How perfectly logical.

Unfortunately for Joey, because he is well over five and does not usually pee all over himself and others, he did not have a spare change of over or underpants to change into. I pretty sure the Disney Princess Pull-up he had to wear while his clothes were in the wash has scared him enough to never pee himself or anyone else again.

Little Jake didn't have a change of clothes either. Luckily, he was wearing a full Spiderman costume under his regular attire. He was able to stay in that while we washed his clothes. Jake was not as embarrassed, but I fear the ramifications of his secret identity being exposed.

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